Girls Helping Girls - Vashon Island
Please help us continue to support our friends in Kenya through our Scholarship Program!
When you learn about children in poverty who are unable to attend school, it is easy to think, “someone else will take care of that.” But two years ago, eight friends from Vashon Island, Washington decided that ‘someone else’ really needed to be ‘US’! We started an organization called Girls to Girls with the mission of helping Maasai girls in Kenya get an education.
Although each of us has grown up with the gift of education handed to us, we knew that in some parts of the world that isn’t the case; so we set out to help change that.
We are working with Seavuria, to help girls receive an education in Kenya. What makes this scholarship program unique is that we form friendships between girls across the globe to inspire and support each other.
Our goal is to raise $2,500 this holiday season so that we can provide scholarships to 4 girls. Last year we raised more than $4000 for scholarships for Kenyan girls and we are excited to continue with our mission.
Will you help us reach our goal? Your donation could make a great holiday gift for family and friends, knowing that their sponsorship has given girls in poverty a chance to change their lives and change their community forever.
SeaVuria - Inspiring students to act globally by connecting them globally!
SEAVURIA is dedicated to connecting students and teachers across the globe, striving to create global awareness and sustainable partnerships.
Using STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) curricula, SEAVURIA engages students in the US and Kenya in synchronous studies designed to foster collaboration, critical thinking, and problem solving. Global health scientists mentor students over the web, offering career information and cutting edge science ideas.
Technological tools afford us opportunities to connect and engage young people in discussions about important global issues. They learn from one another, serve as role models for one another, realize opportunities and are inspired to take action.